Make your marketing more efficient with tailored AI-powered solutions

Artificial Intelligence is one of the fastest growing technologies in the world and has the potential to transform more than just marketing. We are happy to analyse its potential with you!

Book a free consultation now

Thomas Fischer

Head of Business Area

bbv Switzerland

+41 41 429 01 57

Your Benefits

Used correctly, AI tools can already help companies dramatically simplify everyday marketing tasks, better understand their customers and create more personalised and effective campaigns:

  • Tailored use of AI solutions: Gain insight into powerful AI tools that are tailored to your specific marketing needs.
  • More efficient marketing operations: Use our customised AI tools to automate and streamline your marketing processes.
  • Strategic support: Leverage our expertise to develop AI-powered marketing strategies tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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Our Services

  • Demand analysis and consultancy: We start with a thorough analysis of your current marketing processes and strategies. We identify areas where AI tools could add value. We work closely with you to develop a clear understanding of your needs and requirements.
  • Hands-on workshops on the use of AI tools: Our workshops are interactive and hands-on to ensure your team can use AI tools effectively. These workshops are tailored to your needs.
  • Full course infrastructure: Use our welcoming facilities to train your staff.
  • Custom AI tool development: If the demand analysis results in a deployment strategy for custom AI tools, we will implement it for you. Our solutions include the use of existing generative AI tools as well as bespoke applications designed specifically for your needs.
  • Ongoing support and optimisation: We remain your partner after implementation. Our goal is to help you realise the full potential of AI in your marketing.
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Is AI and marketing on your agenda?

Are you interested in discussing the possibilities of AI tools for your marketing processes with an expert?

Do you have specific ideas but don’t know if they are feasible?

Then let us talk!

Book a free consultation now
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FAQ on KI & Marketing

What is your approach to AI and marketing specifically?

Our process consists of five stages:

  • Start: We start with a free consultation to understand your vision, challenges and needs.
  • Overview & Exploration: We show you the latest trends and technologies, and work with you to analyse your environment and customer needs to identify requirements.
  • Innovation & Consolidation: Together we develop a customised strategy for using AI tools in your digital marketing, defining and evaluating the right solutions for you and preparing them for implementation.
  • Realisation: We implement the developed strategies with our experienced team of digital marketing and AI software experts and train your employees individually according to the identified needs.
  • Ongoing support: After implementation, we remain at your side to make further adjustments and continually optimise your marketing efforts.

Why should I use custom AI tools for my marketing?

Custom AI tools can be tailored to your specific marketing needs, resulting in more efficient and effective marketing processes. Everyday tasks can be performed dramatically more efficiently.

How can generative AI tools such as ChatGPT and Midjourney improve my marketing?

These tools can be used to create unique and personalised content with a level of efficiency and quality that would be virtually impossible without AI. The tools help your marketing department communicate better with your customers, create better customer experiences and dramatically speed up your marketing processes.

How do I prepare my team to use AI tools?

Our range of workshops are designed to prepare your marketing team to effectively use the AI tools we develop. We provide bespoke training to ensure your team can effectively use the AI tools.

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