Your strong partner for project implementation support

Tendering for new digitalisation projects and renewing complex ICT solutions requires special expertise. We support you from business analysis through to conception and implementation of agile projects – and not just until the end of the tender. Our commitment extends well beyond the tender process.

Book a free consultation now

Micha Brandenberger

Head of Business Area

bbv Switzerland

+41 41 429 01 92

Your Benefits

In the context of digital transformation, tendering is a challenge for procurement organisations at all levels of government, especially when it comes to solving complex problems. Benefit from a strong partner for business analysis, architecture, design, conceptualisation and support for agile project delivery:

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  • Digital expertise: We have years of experience, know the regulatory framework, understand technologies and market conditions, and have a clear view of the different solutions.
  • Save time and resources: You save time and resources because we are familiar with the processes and can anticipate – and avoid – potential obstacles or delays.
  • Ensure a fair and transparent process: We ensure that all bids are treated equally and fairly and that the selection is made on an objective and transparent basis.
  • Less risk: With the support of our experts, you minimise the risk of making mistakes that could lead to legal challenges or the need to re-tender.
  • Compliance: Our advice ensures that your tender complies with Swiss regulations.
  • Optimum results: We ensure that all relevant aspects are taken into account, from technical specifications and pricing to the quality of services or products.
  • Long-term support: We continue to support you after the contract has been signed, for example during the implementation of the solutions – or during renegotiations.

Our Services

We support all relevant stakeholders in the tendering process, from the initial idea through to contract award and beyond. This includes procurement departments, specialist departments, steering committees, decision-making bodies and user groups.

We use established tools for the digital processing of tenders, which gives you additional benefits:

  • Time savings
  • Flexible evaluation
  • Online submission of bids by suppliers
  • Online input of evaluations by customers
  • Visual and interpretable analysis
  • Evaluation reports and debriefings
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Are you looking for support in tendering your complex ICT projects?

Then let us talk!

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    FAQ on Tender Support

    Why is bbv the right partner for your tender?

    bbv is an experienced partner for tenders in the field of digital transformation and modernisation of complex ICT solutions. bbv’s strengths lie in business analysis, architecture, design, conception and support of agile project implementations.

    What are bbv's particular strengths?

    As a Swiss software and consulting company with roots in technology, software projects and digital transformation since 1995, we bring a wealth of experience to your tender. We also support our clients beyond the tender process.

    What are the benefits of submitting bids and reviews online?

    Online bid submission and evaluation offers a number of benefits that streamline the entire tendering process. Firstly, it enables centralised and efficient data collection, which speeds up the comparison and evaluation of bids.

    Secondly, it increases the transparency and traceability of the process, as all stakeholders have access to the same information. This simplifies communication and minimises the risk of misunderstandings.

    Thirdly, online submission offers greater flexibility, as bids and evaluations can be submitted at any time and from any location, making the process more agile and adaptable.

    How does bbv support the various stakeholders in the tendering process?

    We support the various stakeholders in the tendering process with targeted measures tailored to their needs and responsibilities.

    For example, we provide procurement organisations with comprehensive advice on preparing tender documents and defining requirements. We help specialist departments analyse technical specifications and identify areas for improvement.

    We provide governance bodies with a clear basis for decision making, risk analysis and progress reports. We actively involve user groups in the process to ensure that tendered solutions are fit for purpose.

    Through this differentiated support, we ensure that all stakeholders are optimally involved in the tender process and can achieve their objectives.

    Does bbv offer support after the tender has been completed?

    Of course, our services do not end with the completion of the tender. We offer comprehensive support, including the implementation phase and any renegotiations. We ensure that the selected solutions meet your requirements and that the projects are successfully implemented.

    We also help you to meet compliance requirements and monitor the quality of the services or products delivered. In this way, we minimise risk and ensure long-term project success.

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