“An AI agent has to undergo a probationary period”

AI agents carry out their tasks largely autonomously – risk or opportunity? Cedric Klinkert, AI engineer at bbv Software Services, explains how the decisions of AI agents can be understood thanks to an “inner monologue”.

Data, data, data! The secret to successful use of AI in your SME

The abilities of AI tools like ChatGPT or Dall-E never cease to amaze. But how can artificial intelligence be used profitably in your company? bbv expert Michael Maurer outlines the most important success factors – suitable data, a dash of courage and the willingness to experiment with creative ideas.

Media monitoring with machine learning

bbv developed a scalable analysis system together with Argus Data Insights Schweiz AG, which customers can use to filter out trends and insights from extensive media content. They gain valuable insights that serve as a basis for informed business decisions.

“The real AI hype is yet to come”

ChatGPT has turned our relationship with artificial intelligence (AI) upside down. AI, a saviour? Also, but not only, says bbv expert Michael Maurer. In this interview, he explains how SMEs can successfully implement AI projects and what AI means for software development.

Smart social research redefined with app

The social research institute DemoSCOPE offers clients a new digital solution in the field of survey research and data science and breaks with conventions in this business.


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