AI & Marketing

Make your marketing more efficient with tailored AI-powered solutions Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Technologien der Welt und hat das Potenzial, nicht nur das Marketing grundlegend zu verändern. Gerne analysieren wir mit Ihnen das bestehende Potenzial!Jetzt kostenlose Beratung vereinbaren Thomas Fischer Business Area Manager bbv Switzerland +41 41 429 01 57 [...]

Marketing Technology

Optimise your business with the latest in marketing technology Shape your organisation's digital transformation with our comprehensive marketing technology expertise. We are your partner for innovative, future-proof and customised marketing technology solutions.Book a free consultation now Thomas Fischer Business Area Manager bbv Switzerland +41 41 429 01 57 Your Benefits Product and brand neutral advice: [...]

Marketing Automation

Your journey to marketing efficiency starts here In today's fast-paced digital world, marketing automation is no longer an option, it's a necessity. Leave the complexity of marketing automation to us and focus on growing your business.Book a free consultation now Thomas Fischer Business Area Manager bbv Switzerland +41 41 429 01 57 Your Benefits With [...]

Analytics & SEO

Analytics & SEO for your success! With in-depth expertise in analytics & SEO, we offer tailored solutions for your business. Personalised advice and strategic planning is our promise to decision makers.Book a free consultation now Thomas Fischer Business Area Manager bbv Switzerland +41 41 429 01 57 Your Benefits In today's digital world, staying visible [...]

Digital Marketing

Increase your online presence and optimise your marketing strategies with bbv Software Services AG. Discover our tailored solutions for Analytics & SEO, Marketing Automation, Marketing Technology and AI in Marketing.


One of the largest software projects involves the changes in the energy market, with digital transformation in this sector playing a critical role. The Energy Strategy 2050 as well as other profound changes in the energy environment, such as the rise of electric mobility, use of renewable energies and prosumer systems as well as decentralisation, [...]

ICT & Media

When it comes to digitalisation, the telecommunications and media sector is the trailblazer. Yet it too has to continually identify and seize new opportunities in order to maintain a competitive edge. Rising consumer expectations, new technologies and increasing complexity are the drivers of digitalisation. As a result, telecommunications and media companies are faced with the [...]

Financial service providers

Digital technologies provide new ways for banks and financial service providers to create innovative services and products and thus ensure sustained customer retention and access to new sources of revenue. Banking is changing fundamentally. Tech corporations and FinTechs are putting the traditional business model of the banks to the test. Added to this are increased [...]


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